What to Expect
Chinese Medicine is a truly holistic medical system; practitioners such as myself look at the whole person - body, mind & lifestyle through a unique yet powerful paradigm to cast light on the underlying cause of disease. Using the tools of Chinese Medicine, namely acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, we set about to correct the underlying imbalances and restore health naturally.
To achieve this, the initial consultation will last approximately 1.5 hours and will involve a detailed discussion of your symptoms, medical history, diet and lifestyle. I then use traditional tongue and pulse diagnosis, palpation, and examination to gain further insight into your condition. This information is then used to develop a diagnosis based on traditional Chinese medicine principles.
An acupuncture treatment is then designed and applied. Once the fine filament acupuncture needles are in place, you rest for around 20-30 minutes while your body responds. For small children and babies, needles are merely inserted and withdrawn, not retained.
If indicated, I will prescribe an herbal formula specifically tailored to treat your needs. The herbs I use conform to the highest standards of dried herbal preparations in Australia. The herbal formulae come in various forms -- dried, granulated or pill-form.