We strongly believe in an integrative approach to treating cancer. This involves combining Western medical interventions with Chinese Medicine techniques to boost general health and immunity and combat malignancy and metastasis.
The Chinese herbal pharmacopeia is rich with herbs and compounds that can greatly assist patients with symptoms who are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and the overall fight against the scourge of cancer.
New discoveries into the anti-cancer properties of herbs are being uncovered all the time. Using acupuncture with herbal compounds, the overall health and strength of cancer patients can be greatly improved. There are formulae that can help with the symptoms associated with every stage of cancer, and specific formulae developed for particular types of cancer symptoms. We use a variety of approaches, mostly in conjunction with medical oncological intervention, to keep cancer victims strong.
Our experience with chemotherapy patients is that they cope much better with the side effects of chemotherapy when taking Chinese herbs and receiving acupuncture. Even when patients go into remission, herbs should continue to be taken to help keep the immune system strong and operating effectively. One in three people will be diagnosed with cancer at some time in their lifetimes. While Western medical approaches to diagnosis and treatment of cancer are making tremendous strides, an integrative approach combining Chinese Medicine and Western medicine is strongly recommended.